U-Con TableTopDay Report

First off, I want to thank everyone who came out to the event, and to the organizers who made everything possible.

As one of the over 3000 events held in 55 countries (and Antarctica), it was great to see so many new and familiar faces come together just to play games. At least 50 people attended, with up to ten games being played at one time. Games that were played included:

  • Ticket to Ride, Small World, and Lords of Waterdeep
  • Magic, Express, Seven Dragons, and Phase 10
  • Dixit, Tsuro of the Seas, and 7 Wonders
  • Zombie Dice, Munchkin, and Munchkin Booty
  • Get Bit, Pint Craft, and Alien Frontiers
  • Flash Point: Fire Rescue, Castle Panic, and Pandemic
  • Pillars of the Earth, Living Stone, and Mage Wars
  • Seasons, Dominion, Suburbia, and Innovation

Here are some pictures too!

TableTop1 TableTop6 TableTop10 TableTop7 TableTop8 TableTop9 TableTop3 TableTop4 TableTop5 TableTop2

For those of you wondering, the winner of each episode from Season 1 of TableTop held a trophy with their name on a piece of tape. Since they could not keep the trophy, they got to keep the tape. So, we decided to continue the tradition with our own!

Thank you again to everyone who came out. Hope to see you all at U-Con!! Perhaps the trophy will make an appearance there as well…

3 Comments on “U-Con TableTopDay Report

  1. Looks like you got some stuff mixed up between the TableTop event and the game day a couple weeks before, as the last photo (the one with a glasses-wearing team around a game of Flash Point, with Sentinels of the Multiverse boxes in the bottom-left) came from the one before. And I know that Nick (the one holding the trophy) played Pint Craft at the one before, but I think he left it at home for the TableTop session (and I don’t remember seeing anybody else playing it).

    Other games played at the TableTop event:

    – Sentinels of the Multiverse, a pure co-op card game in which up to 5 players each pick a Hero, then collectively choose a Villain to beat up and an Environment in which to battle. Each character/environment has its own non-customizable deck with its own theme and play style or mechanic.

    – Samurai Sword (or as I call it, Nihongo Bangu!), a redesigned, Japanese-themed version of Bang!. This redesign strips out a lot of the more complex cards and removes player elimination entirely. The increased lethality of weapons and built-in clock based on deck reshuffles speed up the game while a new defensive rule offers more strategy.

    – Sentinels of the Multiverse

    – The Walking Dead card game, a themed version of Category 5, Slide 6, etc. Players choose numbered cards and place them face-down, then place them lowest-to-highest on the row with the next-lowest end card, scoring a row when it has 6 cards. In the “classic” survival mode, players want to take the fewest points; in hero mode, players can play one or two cards and want to take the most points.

    – so much Sentinels of the Multiverse

  2. The last photo had to have come from the TableTop event. It’s the only time the trophy has been at the Brewery. But thank you for the other info!

    • OK, I see what happened: the TableTop event happened the end of March, and indeed that picture comes from that session. All the stuff I said actually came from the middle of April game day and not the TableTop event. So I got things mixed up, not you.