Guest of Honor events

Have you ever wanted to play a game with a professional? Someone for whom gaming’s not a hobby—it’s how they pay their bills?

If so, sit at the table at our guest of honor events!

This year, you can play Part-Time Gods Second Edition with Eloy Lasanta. Fresh from a successful Kickstarter campaign, you can play it before it’s in the world. And you can play it with the person who made it!

Lone Wolf Development’s Vice President BJ Hensley is one of U-Con’s guests. She’ll be running board games and a Choose Your Own Adventure session on Sunday. If you’ve got questions about Hero Lab, she’s also doing a drop-in Q&A on Friday night.

Monte Cook Games’ Community Relations Coordinator Darcy Ross is running RPGs like Numenera and the Cypher System. She’s also doing a panel on Friday night for everyone curious about how to start streaming RPGs.

You can find all these and more while there are still spaces available over on our registration page.


Nick runs U-Con's social media. He got re-involved with board gaming when he found a mostly intact copy of HeroQuest at a garage sale. He started volunteering at U-Con in 2015. His current favorites are Bunny Kingdom, Viticulture, and Star Realms, but he's always looking for the next great game.