November Virtual Games Library Day 11/8/2020

This coming Sunday will be the last virtual Games Library Day before U-Con so if you need to test out your game, headset, camera, whatever this is an excellent time to do that. I highly recommend that you at least hop into Discord (I’ll be hanging out there from Noon to 4pm for help) and test out your set up at the very least. You do not want to be troubleshooting during your game. I’ll also be available for any Boardgamearena games anyone might want to play (I am always down for some Potion Explosion or Roll for the Galaxy). Stop in, have a chat, take your equipment for a test drive.

For future reference, all GLDs for 2021 are “scheduled” here. We will continue virtually using U-Con’s Discord server for communication until such time as we can gather in person again (I’ll let you know when we are doing in person GLD). Drop in any time from noon to 6pm on Virtual Games Library Days.