Pssssst RPGGMs…Event Submission is still going on.

Have you thought about what systems you want to submit events for?

It’s been a couple weeks since we announced that Event Submission has gone live so I hope you all have been thinking over which is your favorite system to run adventures in. Are you a D20 GM? Maybe you are an adjacent kinda person and want to run a one shot Pathfinder, or maybe you are old school and prefer D&D (anyone thinking of running a Basic adventure? That would be seriously Old School). Maybe you prefer a Grim World of Perilous Adventure or maybe you just don’t have any SAN left and like to dabble with the elder gods. Whether you eschew dice or let Fate choose your dice, now is the time to gird your loins and submit your event.

You Minis GMs and Board Game GMs should be thinking of what you want to run as well. As per previous years, you will need to create a login with our registration system in order to submit events or preregister for the convention.