U-Con Pre-show Event!

Nick Baker Invites you to showcase your drawing skills…or lack of skills.

This year’s pre-convention event will be MonsDRAWsity, designed by Eric Slauson & published by Deep Water Games. We’ll be playing on Thursday at 8pm through Discord in our Games Library area, using both the text channel and one of the audio channels.  Players will be able to play with either the Desktop or Mobile client, and we’ll explain both methods.

You have 20 seconds to memorize Gilbert before the CSI team whisks you away to describe him/her/it to an offsite sketch artist.

In MonsDRAWsity, one player will be taking turns describing a strange looking monster from memory while the other players will be doing their best to draw the monster that’s described.  In a round, a picture will be direct messaged (DM’d) to a volunteer who wants to try and do the describing.  If you are not comfortable with doing so, that’s ok, we won’t pick you to handle that. The player who gets the picture will then study the card, and when ready, they will stop looking at the picture and have two minutes to describe to everyone else what it looks like.  The player who saw the creature won’t be allowed to look back at the picture, but the rest of the players are free to ask questions to better get an idea of what the creature looks like.

Once time is up, the drawing players will be posting their pictures into the Discord text chat channel.  It’s up to the drawing players on how they’d like to do that.  One option is to use a dry erase board and a marker and take a picture.  Paper and pencil will also work.  With your smartphone, you can take that picture and post it into Discord.  Alternatively, if you are playing from your desktop or laptop computer, you could use a drawing or painting program.  Even programs like Paint will work for this.  Once the drawing is complete, just save and upload the picture into Discord.

When everyone has finished uploading their pictures, the person who did the describing will secretly pick which one they felt did the best job.  Once that choice has been made, the original picture will be shared with everyone.  Everyone else will then vote on which picture they felt did the best job recreating the original.  You’ll be doing that by reacting to the drawing posted in Discord.  Reacting is a lot like hitting “Like” on Twitter or Facebook, just with many more options.  Any reaction works, including clicking on someone else’s to add to a reaction’s total. Votes will be recorded into a super secret vault.  The secret pick from the describing person will be revealed and given an additional point.  If the most popular drawing is also the one picked by the describer, the describer will get an additional point.

If you are not comfortable with drawing, that’s okay, we’re still happy if you want to describe monsters.  If you’re not comfortable with drawing or describing, you’re still welcome to vote on which picture you think does the best in matching the monster’s picture.  Participation is up to you, but we’ll be happy to have you join us to kick off U-Con 2021!  Please note that there are no tickets for this event, feel free to drop in and out as you please.

-Nick B.