Experience / Complexity

One thing that we get a lot of questions about is that letter and number attached to each event description.  Those are a code for how much experience is desired by the GM and how complicated the game is to play.


1 (None)
No experience needed
2 (Experience Helpful)
Experience desired but not required
3 (Experience Recommended)
Prior experience with this game or similar games recommended
4 (Extensive)
Have played this specific game a few times
5 (Expert)
Have played this specific game many times


A (Easy)
Games involve little or no strategic thinking and have a high luck factor
B (Basic)
Games involve a little strategy and some luck
C (Detailed)
Strategic thinking needed and the effects of luck are minimized
D (Complex)
Games require significant strategic planning
E (Intricate)
Games require continuous referencing of the rulebook


U-Con normally uses the event codes as provided by the GM for each submitted event.  The event submission form defaults to A1, so anything else is definitely a deliberate choice by the GM.

Any GMs who wish to amend the experience and complexity rating for events, please send us a note on our [[Contact Us]] section.