Lots of exciting Guest news coming your way this week!

Hey everybody, hang onto your hats because we’ve got a lot of great things to tell you!

First, please join us in welcoming U-Con 2017 Guest of Honor Sarah “Doombringer” Richardson!

Guest of Honor Sarah “Doombringer” Richardson
Guest of Honor Sarah “Doombringer” Richardson
Sarah Richardson is currently working as Magpie Games’ Marketing Director, as well as one of their in house designers and developers. She is the author of the tabletop rpg Velvet Glove and co-author ofBluebeard’s Bride. In addition to her work with Magpie Games, she serves on the leadership team of the Indie Games Developer Network (IGDN) and has worked on a number of freelance projects throughout the RPG industry.
You can find more info on Sarah along with the rest of our Guests of Honor.

Nick runs U-Con's social media. He got re-involved with board gaming when he found a mostly intact copy of HeroQuest at a garage sale. He started volunteering at U-Con in 2015. His current favorites are Bunny Kingdom, Viticulture, and Star Realms, but he's always looking for the next great game.