Countdown to U-Con – 3 days left!

Hey everybody, before you come over, it’ll be helpful to get a feel for the space and where your events will be taking place. If you’ve been before, the setup will probably feel pretty familiar. As in recent years, board games and miniatures will take place mostly in the ballroom while RPGs will primarily be located in the various conference rooms.

One notable difference this year will be the inclusion of the clubhouse for Saturday’s Dominion Tournament. You can check out all the details on our site map.


Nick runs U-Con's social media. He got re-involved with board gaming when he found a mostly intact copy of HeroQuest at a garage sale. He started volunteering at U-Con in 2015. His current favorites are Bunny Kingdom, Viticulture, and Star Realms, but he's always looking for the next great game.