ID and costume reminders

Just a quick reminder about our ID policy: In order to ensure we give your materials to the correct person (you!), we’ll be asking to see some form of photo ID when you come to pick up your tickets. Please don’t leave your ID at home, or we won’t be able to get you your tickets!

While we welcome everyone’s expression and enthusiasm in costuming at U-Con (welcome, but definitely not required), please do a quick check of our uniform and weapons policies to make sure you get to be the most complete and comfortable you that you can be 🙂

Don’t want to read the full policy? Here’s a quick rundown of the key points you’ll need to know:

  • What is illegal to have uncovered when not at U-Con must remain covered when at U-Con. Please use your best judgement.

  • Modern uniforms (from the Civil War era to present day) may not be worn as costumes, particularly anything that could be confused as an authentic uniform.

  • U-Con prohibits all functional weapons. We’re looking at you swords, water guns, flamethrowers, other elemental projectiles, other non-elemental projectiles, etc.
  • However, items such as futuristic weapons (e.g. Phaser), fantasy weapons (e.g. the Elder Wand) and non-projectile boffer weapons (e.g. Nerf batliff) may be allowed provided they are not handled in a careless, threatening, or destructive manner. Again, please use your best judgement.

Nick runs U-Con's social media. He got re-involved with board gaming when he found a mostly intact copy of HeroQuest at a garage sale. He started volunteering at U-Con in 2015. His current favorites are Bunny Kingdom, Viticulture, and Star Realms, but he's always looking for the next great game.