Guest of Honor: James Sheahan

Hi Everyone!  Join us in welcoming James Sheahan as a guest of honor for U-Con 2019!  The mysterious man behind Fallout: Wasteland Warfare and the RPG. He’s done a lot of unusual things in his career: he spent 3 weeks with Anthony Daniels writing dialogue for C-3PO, he presented works-in-progress of a console game based on Alias TV series to JJ Abrams, and was tear-gassed (by request) by British Special Forces as research for a video game he’d designed. You can read more about him on our Guests of Honor page.

James Sheahan
James Sheahan, designer of Fallout: Wasteland Warfare and the Fallout: Wasteland Warfare RPG.

Nick runs U-Con's social media. He got re-involved with board gaming when he found a mostly intact copy of HeroQuest at a garage sale. He started volunteering at U-Con in 2015. His current favorites are Bunny Kingdom, Viticulture, and Star Realms, but he's always looking for the next great game.