Last Minute U-Con Info

Is it only 2 days to Pre-Reg and badge pickup? It is!  We will have stations set up for early registration/badge pick up in the main lobby of the hotel from 7pm to 9pm ET on Thursday 11/16.  If you have an early morning Friday game, this is an excellent way to avoid the opening day registration lines.  Otherwise, if you are in the hotel early, come down and say “Hi!” We look forward to seeing you all over the weekend.

Ops opens officially for regular registration and badge pick up at 8am ET Friday, November 17th. You will find Ops in the usual central location in the convention center.  Ops is also the place to come for problems, questions or tickets if you prefer to get them printed. Ops will be open 8AM – 10PM ET Friday and Saturday and 8:30 AM to 6:30 PM on Sunday.  If you don’t have any questions or problems and you have a smart device, you can log into Table Top Events and grab any available tickets right at the game’s table! Need a refresher? will get you where you need to go.

If something comes up and you are unable to attend some of your events or U-Con in general, please do us the kindness of releasing your tickets to other attendees. It helps our events remain full if their game tickets are not held by attendees who need to bow out of playing.  

We have announced our charity for the Auction proceeds: Foster Closet of Oakland County.    They provide clothing and other supplies to those in foster care at no cost. If you feel like checking out the Auction, that will be Saturday at 1 PM ET in Auditorium 1. Even if you don’t win a bid, it’s always a fun time to see Joe and the Nicks run the auction.  However, every time I’ve gone there has been something I want to buy so you never know.

Have some down time? Check out the Vendors in the Vendor Hall. There are a lot of great companies coming this year.

Lastly, please refresh yourself on U-Con policies. We don’t want to see anybody have to get a talking to or evicted from the Con.

See you all in a very short time!

-Jeannette Quirk and the whole U-Con team!